The Workers Circle
The Call

Dear Friend,

Last week, I joined millions to anxiously watch the Judge read the verdicts in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. The guilty verdict on all three counts was an important step in our nationwide movement to counter the systems of impunity and white supremacy that permeate law enforcement in the United States. 

My relief after hearing the verdict was quickly followed by the realization that it was a very thin victory. No action we take can bring George Floyd back to his loved ones, nor will it bring back the thousands of people of color who have been murdered by the police for generations. As of this writing, at least six more people of color have been killed by police since the verdict, and the numbers keep rising. In response to this ongoing crisis, the Workers Circle community is committed to being part of the movement to dismantle systemic racism in all its forms, from police violence, to voter suppression, to acts of hate and bigotry.

For far too long, gerrymandering and other voter suppression tactics have kept communities of color from effectively making their voices heard at the polls. This is why we have been working with communities of color to phone-bank in places like Georgia, providing voters with critical resources to make sure their votes count. And why we are committed to the hard work that is needed for the passage of the For the People Act. Currently, there are 361 voter suppression bills being considered in 47 states. The For the People Act would counter these suppressive state laws by protecting everyone’s right to vote. You will learn more about this important bill and how you can take action in this edition of The Call.

As part of our ongoing commitment to racial justice work, we have brought on a consultant, Anthony Russell, who has led Workers Circle staff, Board of Directors and College Network leaders in workshops on the intersection of Yiddish, Jewish culture and the Black American experience. Anthony moderated our recent program series, In the Midst, which examined systemic racism through the lens of Yiddish culture. He will lead an upcoming event this June that reunites speakers from In the Midst for an extended Q&A with the Workers Circle community.

You will learn about this event and much more in this month’s edition of The Call. Thank you for being a part of our community and standing with us as we work with organizational partners to take on the long-term work of dismantling systemic racism in all its forms. 

In solidarity, 


April Actions for Democracy

The Workers Circle has joined forces with the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) to hold April Actions for Democracy, a weekly social media, education, and advocacy campaign focused on voting rights. The Brennan Center for Justice reported in March that 47 states had introduced 361 pieces of legislation that would restrict voting rights, particularly targeting voters of color and young voters. What many Americans do not yet know is that the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would counter these state laws by protecting everyone’s right to vote. Together, the Workers Circle and NCJW have asked our members to use their networks to get this message out to people know about the rollback in voting rights but don’t yet realize there is something they can do to help stop voter suppression. Click here to get involved and spread the word!

John Lewis Mobilization Town Hall, Today, April 28

The voting rights of voters of color and young voters are under attack nationally. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the For the People Act would stop these voting restrictions and restore and expand voting rights. Join the Workers Circle and activists across the nation on for the John Lewis Mobilization Virtual Town Hall today, April 28, 7:00–8:00pm ET. At the virtual town hall, you will learn why this legislation is crucial to protecting the right to vote and how you can support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day of Action on May 8. Register for the Town Hall here.

John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day of Action, Saturday, May 8

Join the Workers Circle, the NAACP, the Transformative Justice Coalition and over 200 social justice organizations for a National Day of Action on May 8. We’ll demand the passage of the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Washington D.C. Statehood and to address one of the greatest obstacles to the passage of civil and voting rights – and one of the last vestiges of slavery – the filibuster! There will be a national broadcast, votercades (car parades) and rallies in over 100 cities. Register for this day of action here.

Victory in NY! Fund for Excluded Workers Passes.

In early April, the New York state passed a budget that included a $2.1B Fund for Excluded Workers; those men and women, many working in essential jobs, who had been left out of federal coronavirus economic relief and unemployment assistance due to their immigration status. The Workers Circle was proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Fund Excluded Workers Coalition, a network of immigrant rights groups across the state, to get this bill over the finish line. Immigrant workers went on hunger strike for 23 days to underscore the urgency of passing this fund. We express our thanks to the NY Workers Circle community who emailed, called lawmakers, who responded to join rapidly called rallies, and who fasted in solidarity with immigrant workers. Learn more about this landmark legislation which will help hundreds of thousands of immigrants in New York.

Socializing with a Twist of Social Justice

On April 14 members of the Workers Circle community gathered from across the country via Zoom for a Spring Mixer hosted by longstanding member, Louise Passick and featuring an egg cream demonstration by our CEO, Ann Toback. It was a great opportunity to meet others, to argue (of course!) about the best way to make an egg cream, to reminisce, and to share what we think are the most pressing issues of justice facing our nation today. The event generated interest in having state-based mixers that would help us build community and sharpen our social justice state-based advocacy. If you missed this one, no worries — the date for the Summer Mixer will be announced soon!

College Network Update

The Workers Circle College Network is looking forward to launching its new campaign “Young Jews for a Green New Deal.” This exciting campaign will mobilize young Jews in NYC and across the country to pressure elected officials on the urgent issue of climate change. Through a newly created “Green Team,” the College Network is creating a petition, brainstorming educational events, and looking forward to ongoing campaigning in-person and virtually in the coming months.

Save the Date: In the Midst “Redux” – Thursday, June 24

Our three-part series In the Midst: Exploring Systemic Racism through the Lens of Yiddish Culture gathered scholars to explore themes of familiarity and distance, injustice and interpretation, report and reverberation through the engagement of Yiddish poetry, theatre, and media with anti-Black racism. Convened by Anthony Russell, over 1,200 people participated, bringing their enthusiasm and many thoughtful questions. On Thursday, June 24 from 7:00–8:30 PM ET, Anthony Russell will convene all panelists from prior sessions for a follow-up discussion and an extended Q&A with our audience. Save the date!


School Update

It has been a year of challenges and profound growth for all of the students at our Workers Circle Schools, especially for the B'nei Mitzve students in our Boston, Manhattan and Westchester Schools. While their in-person ceremonies will be limited to immediate family members, we know more family and friends will be enjoying the celebrations as they are live-streamed. We send out a mazel tov to all our school families and a yasha koyach to our students. May they grow from strength to strength.

Youth Stand Up for Justice Update

Workers Circle youth activists have been up to "Good Trouble" through our Youth Stand Up for Justice (YSUFJ) workshops, focusing on the stories of John Lewis and Clara Lemlich and learning about the For the People Act and how we can all help support it. We are grateful for our YSUFJ teens and their continued engagement and activism!


Yiddish Schmoozes

The Workers Circle Yiddish Schmoozes are an opportunity for our Yiddish community to gather and discuss topics in art, literature, music and culture entirely presented in Yiddish. Our recent schmoozes celebrated Peysekh, welcomed distinguished guests like Yiddishist Zalman Mlotek, and commemorated important dates like Holocaust Remembrance Day. If you missed any of our Yiddish Schmoozes you can watch the recordings on our YouTube channel. And join us this Sunday, May 2 at 2 PM ET for our next Yiddish Schmooze where we will hear about the works and reflections of Yiddish author Menke Katz as remembered by his son, Dovid. Register here.

Subscribe to Social Justice Activism!

Become a Workers Circle Advocate for Change, our new monthly giving initiative launched in 2020. For a minimum of just $5 a month, less than the price of your favorite streaming service, you can help us connect teens and college students around social justice activism, organize for important and critical advocacy, and enhance our College Network and Youth Stand Up For Justice programs. Add us as your new monthly subscription and receive a complementary Workers Circle water bottle. Become a monthly donor today.

Thank You!

Thanks to our members, allies, and supporters.

And thanks to the following Foundations for your contributions to the Workers Circle:

Atran Foundation, Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation, Inc., The Michael and Alice Kuhn Foundation, The Slomo & Cindy Silvian Foundation, Chaim Schwartz Foundation, Merle S. Cahn Foundation, Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation, The Jewish Education Project/UJA Federation of New York, Jewish Social Justice Roundtable/UJA Federation of New York, Sidney S. Stern Memorial Trust, R&S Strauss Family Foundation, and Sonya Staff Foundation. 

Questions? Email us at or call 212.889.6800.

247 West 37th Street, 5th floor | NY, New York 10018

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